Arrrgh–is it mornin’ already?
Aye, it is. And a good mornin’ to ya. Blah. I’m not very good at pirate-speak. I hear it in my mind just fine, but it’s not my forte. Captain Raphael de la Torres, on the other hand, is quite fluent…in...
View ArticleAhoy! Pirates are here!
Hold onto your skirts and hide your gold. The pirates are ready to plunder! Good afternoon and welcome to the TRS Party Site Release Day. What a great occasion to celebrate, don’t you think? I’m hyped...
View ArticleTemptation Released excerpt–for adult eyes only
As the day draws to a close, I want to thank you for spending bits of your day here at the TRS party site, and with me. I’ve enjoyed sharing my pirate tale of love, revenge and adventure (of the...
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